
We strive to provide our customers with quality & consistent cleaning services at all times. 




Bond Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

    Cleaning Tips

    End Of Lease Cleaning

      House Cleaning Services

        Office Cleaning


          We strive to provide our customers with quality & consistent cleaning services at all times. 




          Bond Cleaning

          Carpet Cleaning

            Cleaning Tips

            End Of Lease Cleaning

            House Cleaning Services

            Office Cleaning

            Office Deep Cleaning: What Sets It Apart from General Cleaning?

            Are you wondering about the difference between an office general clean and an office deep clean? Let’s dive into the details.

            Office Deep Cleaning and Detailing

            At a Servtown, we offer an annual deep cleaning and detailing service for our clients. This comprehensive service goes beyond the routine tasks covered in general cleaning and includes meticulous attention to areas often overlooked.

            What’s Included in Office Deep Cleaning?

            1. Windows Cleaning (Internal & External): Over time, windows gather dust, grime, and fingerprints, making them look dull. We clean both the inside and outside of windows to restore their clarity and brightness. Please note: We only clean external windows up to a height reachable with a 2-step ladder.
            2. Blinds Cleaning: Blinds can collect dust and grime, affecting the air quality and appearance of your office. Our thorough blinds cleaning service rejuvenates them, enhancing both cleanliness and aesthetics.
            3. Carpet Steam Cleaning: Carpets harbor deep-seated dirt and stains, which can harbor allergens and bacteria. Our professional steam cleaning leaves carpets fresh, clean, and free from harmful contaminants.
            4. Wall Cleaning: Walls gather dirt, fingerprints, and marks over time, diminishing the office’s overall look. We removes stains and restores their original condition.
            5. Air Conditioner Vents: Clean air vents are essential for maintaining indoor air quality and preventing the buildup of dust and allergens. We ensure that your air conditioner vents are thoroughly cleaned and free from obstructions.
            6. Cleaning Behind Electrical Appliances: Dust and debris often accumulate behind electrical appliances such as monitors and printers. We take care of cleaning these hidden areas to maintain a hygienic and tidy workspace.

            Special Requests

            We understand that every office has unique cleaning needs. That’s why we’re always open to special requests from our clients. Whether it’s cleaning inside drawers and cupboards during office rearrangements or addressing specific cleaning concerns, we’re here to help.

            Client Success Story

            Recently, we were engaged by a recurring office client to perform a comprehensive deep cleaning of their offices. Our services included carpet steam cleaning, thorough surface wiping, wall cleaning, and glass cleaning. The result? A refreshed and revitalized workspace that left our client impressed and satisfied.

            Location: Hornsby, NSW

            Property info: 4 meetings rooms, 1 kitchenette, 1 large office area

            office deep cleaning

            Looking for meticulous office cleaning services in Sydney? Look no further! Reach out to us for a quote from our reliable cleaning team. 😊

            Office Vacate Cleaning Chatswood

            Office size: around 180 sqm

            Office layout: 2 meeting rooms, 1 large office area, 1 small office area

            Date: February 2024

            Location: Chatswood, NSW

            We were recently called upon by a client to assist with their vacate cleaning requirements. Unlike some of the larger office cleaning projects we’ve tackled in the past, this one proved to be relatively straightforward. The main reason for this is that their office shares common areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms with other tenants in the building. As a result, our main focus was on their individual office space.

            The office featured several partitions and emphasizing importance of thorough glass cleaning, which would be a key aspect of our work on this assignment. However, our attention to detail extended far beyond just the glass. We made sure to meticulously clean every surface, leaving the entire workspace spotless and gleaming.

            These were some of the specific tasks involved in the office end of lease cleaning for this job.

            1. Windows Cleaning: In addition to glass cleaning, we ensured all internal windows were thoroughly cleaned, including their sills, tracks, and blinds.
            2. Floor Care: Our comprehensive floor care included vacuuming the carpeted floors to remove dust and debris. Furthermore, we meticulously wiped down all skirting boards, leaving them with a spotless finish.
            3. Air Conditioner Vents: Over time, dust had accumulated on air conditioner vents. We addressed this by either dusting them or wiping them with a damp cloth, provided they were easily accessible and within reach.
            4. Spot Clean Walls: During the vacate cleaning process, we commonly discovered scuff marks on walls left behind by previous furniture. Recognizing the scrutiny of property agents, we proactively inspected all walls, armed with cleaning products, and swiftly removed any scuff marks and stains we encountered.
            5. Detailing: Attention to detail was paramount in our approach. We meticulously inspected and cleaned hard-to-reach areas such as corners, crevices and door handles to ensure no trace of dirt or dust was left behind.

            If you need a reliable cleaning team who provides detailed and meticulous cleaning services for your office in Chatswood, or any surrounding suburbs, feel free to contact us for a quote! 🙂

            office cleaning sydney  

               office cleaning sydney

                office cleaning sydney


            Times can be quite worrying at the moment; we all need to get to work and earn money, but many of us are panicking about COVID-19 and how to keep our working areas as hygienic as possible.

            Our Top Tips on How to Keep Your Workplace Safe

            We’ve compiled a blog post including our top tips on how to keep your working environment as clean and as safe as possible in the current climate. We recommend carrying out the actions below and always keep updated with the latest health authorities’ guidelines on preventing COVID-19.

            What Is COVID-19 and How Did It Spread?

            How to clean office during covid19

            Like SARS and MERS, COVID-19 is a coronavirus. The latest coronavirus causes acute respiratory disease and due to its infancy, it is hard to pinpoint exactly how this virus works. However, various health organisations, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) have been researching and releasing information about COVID-19 since it became known across the world at the end of 2019.

            WHO describes the latest coronavirus to be spread through direct contact with an infected person (through nose and mouth secretions), but it can also be spread through direct and indirect contact (for example through contaminated areas and surfaces).

            What Can We Do to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19?

            Life must go on, even in times of a pandemic. There are ways in which the general public can keep each other safe when going out and about for shopping, daily chores, commuting to work, and so forth.

            To make you and everyone around you safer, it is recommended to:

            • Keep a safe distance from those around you (at least 1.5 metres)
            • Wash your hand thoroughly (with soap) frequently
            • Use hand sanitiser where soap and water are not available
            • Stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms
            • Avoid large gatherings and prolonged meetings
            • Keep updated with the latest health advice

            What Steps Can Be Taken in the Workplace?

            office cleaning services syndey

            If your office is open, there will be a lot of changes in place. Work doesn’t have to be stressful with the new methods. You can still operate in a suitable environment.


            If your office or workplace has not yet opened, you need to prepare in advance. The steps you take in preventing COVID-19 in your workplace will be affected by numerous points.

            You need to think, will I have customers coming into the area? How many staff will be present? Do I have any staff who are more susceptible to COVID-19? By asking yourself these questions and finding the correct support and answers for each question will help you run as smoothly and safely as possible.

            Access to hand washing and sanitising facilities

            We are all not far from a bottle of hand sanitiser these days and the office should be the same. Set up wall dispensers or hand sanitising stations around the workplace for when people can not wash their hands with soap and water immediately.

            Places frequently touched or where people may have touched their mouths and so on are the best areas. These include: near doors, entrances and exits, and canteens.

            Double clean

            The CDC gives great advice on how to disinfect your building and one of these steps is to double clean by using soap and following with a disinfectant. A list of EPA approved cleaners can be found here. Please note, these are to be used on surfaces only and are not to be used for human skin. Please protect yourself when using any cleaning products when cleaning your office to prevent COVID-19.

            Use personal protective equipment

            When you open your workplace for business again, you may want to consider using personal protective equipment. This could be something as simple as wearing a mask. Each local Australian body assesses the latest COVID-19 situation in their area and releases information regarding these issues. However, if you feel unsafe, you may want to consider wearing a mask, especially where distancing is difficult.

            If you are thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting an area of your office yourself, you may also want to consider wearing PPE, such as gloves and a mask. If you choose to wear PPE, ensure you read the proper guidelines on how to wear it and remove and dispose of it in a safe manner.

            Ventilate the area

            Ventilation could be a key factor in reducing the spread of COVID-19, especially in the office. Offices can become stuffy, and with multiple workers coming into the space, it is important to get fresh air circulating in the space any day of the week. You can keep your office ventilated by opening the windows and doors, using filtration systems, and so forth. The World Health Organization lists numerous ways to keep areas well ventilated in times of COVID-19.


            However you choose to open and run your business, it is crucial to keep all members of staff on the same page as you. If you work together (in a socially distanced way), the chances of everything running well increase and you’ll have an all-round happier and healthier working environment.

            Carry out workplace physical distancing

            It may be hard to keep yourself away from the coworkers that you know and get on with well. However, the reality of the situation is that even with proper frequent cleaning, we all need to keep our distance. It only takes one encounter to start off the spreading of any type of coronavirus. Try to keep apart as much as possible and if in cases where keeping a safe distance is unavoidable, wear a face covering.

            Encourage working from home

            If you have staff that do not need to be physically present in the office every day, encourage them to work from home as much as possible. You can alternate shifts to keep physical presence to a minimum, keeping everyone safer from further COVID-19 spread. There are numerous tools to track desk time, have online meetings, share ideas, exchange instant messages and so forth for keeping your office running from home.

            What Can Employees do to Prevent COVID-19?

            employees cleaning desk covid 19

            As well as following guidelines listed above, there are many ways in which employees can look after themselves and their colleagues when returning to work. Employees can try to:

            • Take less crowded routes to work when commuting
            • Travel to work alone
            • Be aware of other members of their household
            • Avoid using shared facilities (for example drinking fountains)
            • Partake in frequent hand washing
            • Maintain distance from coworkers
            • Keep personal items off the floor and in a drawer or locker
            • Avoid using mobile phones and personal items during work times
            • Avoid touching your face
            • Use the stairs instead of the lift
            • Eat lunches/meals alone
            • Take tea and coffee breaks alone
            • Keep in communication with bosses and coworkers
            • Keep updated with news from local health authorities

            Keep Your Employees Happy

            We know that times are difficult; even more so when you are trying to run a business in times of a pandemic, all while keeping your working environment healthy (both physically and mentally). Aside from keeping your office as hygienic as possible to prevent COVID-19, it is also important to think of the mental health of your staff and how these changes in life will impact them both in and outside of the workplace. Annual huge gatherings, buffets, drinks, parties and so forth may not be doable this year, but there are other ways you can keep your staff motivated and create a healthy working environment. Consider an online staff quiz, working incentives, cafe and restaurant vouchers, distanced themed days, give feedback on how well they are doing. The list is endless and we know it’s difficult, but we’re all in this together.

            Keep Going

            Everyone over here at ServTown knows how tough it is to keep your workers happy and your workplace clean, but we just wanted to let you know that you can do it. Keep going and stay safe. Times are hard all round, but through communication and safe practices, we can all do it.