End Of Lease Cleaning Leichhardt

Moving out in fast-paced Canterbury? Too busy with work and the kids to get everything done in time? Don’t get overwhelmed, look for end-of-lease cleaners you can depend on. Look no further than us at ServTown!

  • Reclean of problem areas for free
  • Customised cleaning checklist
  • Standard or specialised cleaning available
  • Discounted pricing for carpet steam cleaning
  • 100% Bond back guarantee
end of lease cleaning services in Sydney

Our Prices

Property Standard
Studio From $426
Unit / Apartment / House From $426
Carpet Steam Cleaning From $154
Add On: More than 1 Balcony From $39 +
Add On: Wet Wipe Blinds From $33 each
Other cleaning requests Custom quote

Prices subject to change without prior notice. Bookings made will not be affected.

end of lease cleaning services

Why Choose Us?

Skilled cleaning squad

Our staff is very well-trained in their trade and have been at it for a number of years. We go the extra mile so you can get your deposit amount in full.

How does having someone on your side who will help you get your bond back, sound? Our skilled squad is on your side in this battle to get all of your money back from your landlord. Our main priority is ensuring every area is thoroughly cleaned according to the agency’s approved checklist to pass the final inspection.

Reclean of problem areas for free

Should the landlord not be satisfied with our work, give us a call within 72 hours after and we’ll do a reclean on the area of concern, absolutely free.

Free quote

With no upfront or hidden fees, get a free quote from us when you enter your cleaning details on our user-friendly website. Thereafter, you will get your free quote reflecting your needs and our low-cost price for the specific details you filled out.

Flexible cleaning checklist

We make certain that we put together a cleaning plan specially tailored to you. Our customised end of lease cleaning caters to your needs as every place and condition requirement is different.

Service Inclusion

Living Room / Bedrooms / Common Areas

  • Floor: Fully vacuumed /mop
  • Carpet: Fully vacuumed
  • Light fittings: remove light fittings and clean
  • Vacuum and clean all sliding doors, window tracks
  • Clean skirting boards
  • Clean flyer screen, window frames, windows sills
  • Clean all doors and other fittings
  • Clean light switches and door knobs
  • Clean ceiling fans
  • Clean stair balustrading
  • Clean inside cabinets, shelves and drawers
  • Clean mark off walls (extra charge if there are too many)


  • Clean sink
  • Clean gas stove/ electric stove
  • Clean inside and outside of oven and griller
  • Clean range hood and filters
  • Clean inside and outside of dishwasher
  • Clean microwave space
  • Clean bench top surfaces
  • Clean & mop floor


  • Clean and sanitise toilet and sinks
  • Clean and wipe inside & outside of bathoom vanity
  • Rinse and wipe bathtubs
  • Clean and polish mirrors
  • Clean bath, shower recess, remove built-up soap residue on tiles and shower screens
  • Clean walls, floors
  • Clean drain holes


  • Clean surrounding areas of washing machine space
  • Clean inside and outside of dryer
  • Clean shelves, drawers and tap ware
  • Clean all walls and floors
  • Remove lint from dryer

Garage / Balcony

  • Remove cobwebs
  • Sweep the floor

Optional Add Ons

  • Steam carpet cleaning
  • Wet wipe blinds (per piece)
  • Spot clean wall
  • Deep clean fridge/freezer
  • Other additional services requests

How can our company help you?

Standard & specialised cleanings

We  leaves no stone unturned and do everything we can to guarantee you and your landlord’s satisfaction. We are committed to delivering exceptional work so that you get your money back in full. Your cleaning is done to your specifications as you may require something different from other customers.

We offer standard and specialized cleanings which range from your basic needs to some of your more complicated ones. Our services are all available to you at low prices that you will love. Our free quote gets you one step closer to getting your money back from your landlord so don’t wait any longer. Hurry to our website and get started, we are waiting for you.

Time to get your bond back with the professionals

At the end of your lease, you expect to get your security deposit back but in many cases, landlords refuse to return that money to you. Most times it is because the place was not cleaned to suit their standards. Between moving and trying to live your normal life, cleaning may be the last thing on your mind. However, getting back your money is of the utmost importance and that where we step in with our skilful staff and years of experience.

Getting your bond back easily

You will see that they clean and cover conditions set out by the standard tenancy agreement.  As a result, you get your bond back without any issues.

Additionally, to get your money back, fix anything that you broke, repair any damages you may have caused, pay outstanding bills and return the keys to the place. Following these tips and hiring a cleaning service will certainly deliver your bond back to you in full.
bond back guarantee

Our Promise

72 Hours Free Re-Clean is a promise from our company to you that our team will return (Free Of Charge) to the rented property to rectify any cleaning issues raised by the real estate agent if he or she is unhappy with the cleaning services performed during the final inspection. Learn more about it here.


  • The rented property must be emptied before the commencement of service/
  • Access to electricity and running water must be provided to our Cleaners on the actual cleaning day
  • In any case, if your managing agent is not satisfied with the cleaning services performed, you can request a free re-clean with us within 72 hours. We’ll return and address the cleaning issue for you.
  • You’re covered by our Bond Back Guarantee
  • Bond Back Guarantee is a promise from our company to you that our team will return (Free Of Charge) to the rented property to rectify any cleaning issues raised by the real estate agent if he or she is unhappy with the cleaning services performed during the final inspection.
  • Our Bond Back Guarantee is valid for 72 hours once the cleaning service delivery is rendered.
  • Our Bond ReturnGuarantee only covers the areas you have chosen to use our services.
  • Our Bond Back Guarantee only includes service items listed on this list. Certain items are not included (e.g Ceilings, Garage walls or deep stains that require a professional third party to clean)
  • We require 24-48 working Hour upon the receival of the report from the property agent to reschedule a re-clean if required.
  • A re-clean will only address the problems listed in the property manager / agents original report if applicable.
  • After a re-clean, we will warrant any work for 24 hours. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, if we have not heard from the property agent within 1 day (24 hours), We will consider the re-clean to have addressed any issues under the Bond Back Guarantee and consider the job completed as per our Terms and Conditions.
  • In any rare cases where certain problem areas are not recoverable with any amount of cleaning, our Bond Back Guarantee would not cover that aspect of the clean.
  • Rest assured that our team will notify you immediately during the initial inspection of the property or after our team has cleaned the place.
  • These cases include, but are not limited to
    • permanent carpet stains
    • permanent hard water stains
    • permanent wall marks
    • mould
    • rusting
    • grease stains
  • Please read our website Terms & Conditions for more information.

First-Rate End Of Lease Cleaning in Leichhardt

In order to ensure a smooth transition to your new place, let us be there to help you. Worry no more about how you’re going to divide your time moving and cleaning the old place with our dedicated cleaning squad.

We offer quality and affordable move out cleaning services to all rental properties located in 2040, Leichhardt, NSW.

We cover all areas from

  • Derbyshire Rd
  • Parramatta Rd
  • Balmain Rd
  • Darley Rd
  • Short St
  • George St
  • Rofe St
  • Thorby Avenue
  • Elswick St
  • Hay St
  • Norton St
  • Styles St
  • Allen St

Give Yourself a Day Off

Book a cleaner today! We offer the most flexible, customised cleaning services around. We’re ready to help you now.