End Of Lease Cleaning Chatswood

Getting a professional end of lease cleaning from our Chatswood team will:

  • Free you up to focus on moving
  • Ensure you get your full rental bond back
  • Save you lots of hard work
  • Passing your final inspection easily
  • Secure a free 72-hour reclean services if there is any issue with your property manager
end of lease cleaning services in Sydney

Our Prices

Property Standard
Studio From $426
Unit / Apartment / House From $426
Carpet Steam Cleaning From $154
Add On: More than 1 Balcony From $39 +
Add On: Wet Wipe Blinds From $33 each
Other cleaning requests Custom quote

Prices subject to change without prior notice. Bookings made will not be affected.

end of lease cleaning services

Why Choose Us?

Eye for Detail

When moving out of your rented home, everyone is going to have an eye for detail, especially your property managers or landlords. If they do, you ought to as well. Double-check your property. Go through it with a fine-tooth comb. Trust us on this one, we know what real estate managers and landlords are like.

Some may even argue that they’re fussy! We’re fussy too! But only about our exit cleaning in Manly. Sometimes fussy is the only way to be. Our cleaners will painstakingly work at cleaning your property, meaning your final inspection will go a breeze. Leave no stone unturned when you move out, and allow us to get the cleaning in Manly started for you right away.


Service Inclusion

Living Room / Bedrooms / Common Areas

  • Floor: Fully vacuumed /mop
  • Carpet: Fully vacuumed
  • Light fittings: remove light fittings and clean
  • Vaccum and clean all sliding doors, window tracks
  • Clean skirting boards
  • Clean flyer screen, window frames, windows sills
  • Clean all doors and other fittings
  • Clean light switches and door knobs
  • Clean ceiling fans
  • Clean stair balustrading
  • Clean inside cabinets, shelves, cupboards and drawers
  • Clean mark off walls, light switch


  • Clean sink
  • Clean gas stove/ electric stove
  • Clean inside and outside of oven and griller
  • Clean range hood and filters
  • Clean inside and outside of dishwasher
  • Clean microwave space
  • Clean bench top surfaces
  • Clean & mop floor


  • Clean and sanitise toilet and sinks
  • Clean and wipe inside & outside of bathoom vanity
  • Rinse and wipe bathtubs
  • Clean and polish mirrors
  • Clean bath, shower recess, remove built-up soap residue on tiles and shower screens
  • Clean walls, floors
  • Clean drain holes


  • Clean surrounding areas of washing machine space
  • Clean inside, outside and behind dryer.
  • Clean shelves, drawers and tap ware
  • Clean all walls and floors

Garage / Balcony

  • Remove cobwebs
  • Sweep the floor

Optional Add Ons

  • Steam carpet cleaning
  • Wet wipe blinds (per piece)
  • Wall wash
  • Dishwasher/Fridge/Freezer
  • Other additional services requests

We recommend that you have a look at the following areas before you leave:

  • Walls and floors for any cracks and damages that are not related to wear and tear
  • Locks and security devices – make sure they are in good working order and haven’t been tampered with
  • Tenancy agreement – it’s there to be used. Refresh your mind and give it a read

Leave the end of lease cleaning in Manly to us. You’ll be more than happy with our eye for detail!

Can I do the cleaning myself?

The answer is yes! However, doing an end of lease clean in Meadowbank can take up a lot of your time, and even then, your landlord may not be happy with the standard of a non-professional clean. On the other hand, if you hire us, you don’t have to give your exit clean another thought. Our cleaners won’t stop until your home is at the standard anticipated by your landlord.

Even then, we give our customers extra security and offer a 72 hour rental bond returns guarantee. Details of which can be found in our T&Cs.

Industry standard cleaning services and products

Our talented team delivers the best cleaning possible by following the agency-approved checklist and using professional-grade cleaning products. We work closely with you to ensure all areas are covered even if you have some trouble spots and help you get all your money back.

Take advantage of our affordable price with no hidden fees and our 72 hours recleaning of problem areas if the landlord is not fully satisfied. You have nothing to lose so head over to our website right now for your free quote!

bond back guarantee

Our Promise

72 Hours Free Re-Clean is a promise from our company to you that our team will return (Free Of Charge) to the rented property to rectify any cleaning issues raised by the real estate agent if he or she is unhappy with the cleaning services performed during the final inspection. Learn more about it here.


  • The duration required depending on two primary factors: The size of the property and its condition. As a general rule of thumb, it could take up to 3-5 hours of labour for a 2 bed 1 bath.
  • We schedule our end of lease cleans at least 3 days in advance. If you’re on a tight schedule, please contact us directly and we’ll see if we can make an exception.
  • Our Bond Back Guarantee means that we will return to address any cleaning issues the property manager/landlord has with the cleaning provided by us – free of charge. Please note that this guarantee only valid for 72 hours after the cleaning. More detailed information about our guarantee can be found in our terms and conditions.
  • Steam carpet cleaning is not included in our Standard End of Lease cleaning, however you can select that as an additional service on top of your end of lease clean.
  • No, it’s not necessary for you to be present when the service takes place. However, we always prefer to have a brief walkthrough with our customers before the commencement of the cleaning to ensure we are on the same page.
  • As a benchmark, a 2 bed 2 bath move out clean could be ranging from $350-$450. However, a few primary factors listed below could affect the average cost of your end of lease cleaning.
    1. The size of your property – number of bedroom and bathrooms or study
    2. The condition of the property – if the property is not well maintained, more time might be required for a deep clean.
  • Yes, we require full payment in advance to secure the time and date of our cleaners.
  • When you make a booking, you will be required to enter your debit/credit card details, which are stored in a secure and encrypted format (we won’t have any visbility on it). However, the charges will only be processed once our team confirms your booking either via email or phone.
  • Yes, please send us your remittance advice and allow 3 working days for bank clearing.
    If we haven’t received the payment within our bank account 3 days prior to the service, this might result in cancellation of your service.
  • We require all rental premises to be emptied before the commencement of the end of lease cleaning service (unless the property is come furnished). All personal belongings, including but not limited to furniture, arts, kitchenware, cosmetic products need to be removed.
  • Rubbish Disposal: Under the event where there is substantial rubbish needs to be removed, an additional cost will be incurred to remove those rubbish.
  • You can easily reschedule your booking by simply sending us an email 72 hours before the service. However, a rescheduling fee of $80 will be applicable if our team hasn’t been given 72 hours notice.
  • You can cancel your booking by emailing or giving us a call. However, a minimum of 5 days notice is required for service cancellation to receive a full refund. If our team hasn’t been given at least 5 days notice, a cancellation is applicable. (See our End of lease cleaning T&C for more details)

Exceptional End Of Lease Cleaning in Chatswood

Are you approaching the end of your lease period and want professional bond cleaners to secure your bond money? We’re here to help! Moving out itself can be incredibly tiring and exhausting with all the packing going on. The last thing you want on your list is another cleaning chore after you moved out from the old place. Let us help you to handle all the cleaning hassle and secure your bond money back without any disputes.

We are proudly servicing the suburbs of Chatswood, Sydney and offering 100% Bond Back Guarantee to our customers like yourself.

We offer quality and affordable move out cleaning services to all rental properties located in 2067, Chatswood, NSW.

We cover all areas from

  • Oliver Rd
  • Freeman Rd
  • Eddy Rd
  • Critchett Rd
  • Sutherland Rd
  • Goodchap Rd
  • Albert Avenue
  • Victoria Avenue
  • Findlay Avenue
  • Gordon Avenue

Give Yourself a Day Off

Book a cleaner today! We offer the most flexible, customised cleaning services around. We’re ready to help you now.