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Carpet Steam Cleaning in Concord

  • Makes everyone feel happy
  • Removes trapped dust and dust mites
  • Increases the lifespan of your carpet
  • Saves you the hassle of cleaning yourself
  • Creates a cleaner and more hygienic home
Carpet Cleaning Sydney

Our Prices

Property Standard
1 Bed 1 Lounge 1 Hallway From $140
Extra Lounge $60
Extra Staircase $20
Extra Hallway (6sqm) $20
Stain Removal Custom quote

Carpet Steam Cleaning in Concord Makes Your Carpet Last

Keeps the quality great

Professional carpet cleaning is very tough on stains and grime. This may leave many clients wondering if it is safe for such powerful cleaning to be done on their carpets. The answer is yes! When our professional cleaners in Concord clean carpets, they ensure that an inspection is carried out first. After that, the carpet cleaning can take place. Your carpet will be in pristine condition and healthier once the cleaning is done.

Your landlord will love it

Everyone knows just how picky some landlords will be, and sometimes, leaving anything to chance is just not worth the risk. If you decide to get a professional carpet cleaning team in Concord, your landlord will be pleased. This is because landlords know how great carpet cleaning is for the life of your carpet. Professional carpet cleaning removes trapped dirt that may be damaging your carpet. If you keep on top of this dirt, you have a healthy living environment, your landlord will not have to spend money on replacing the carpet, and everyone is happy.

carpet cleaning services

 Our Cleaning Process

  1. Check out the condition and special areas of attention areas the carpet is in/has
  2. Select the cleaning solutions that will be used
  3. Pre-vacuum
  4. Pre-spray
  5. Pre-treat
  6. Hot water extraction cleaning and remove dirty solution
  7. Dry the carpet

Stain Removal

We can remove an array of stains and smells. Here are a few common ones we are asked to remove.

  • Wine-Icon

    Red wine

    If you have a patch of your carpet with a red wine stain, our cleaners can treat it and get it removed.

  • Coffee-Icon

    Tea and coffee

    Tea and coffee are known for staining whatever they touch. These stains will be removed for good.

  • Food-Stain-Icon


    If someone has managed to get a nasty grass stain on your carpet and you just can’t get it gone, we have the tools to do so.

  • Boots-Icon

    Mud and dirt

    These marks and smells will be gone as if they never existed once we’re done!

  • Burger-Icon

    Food stains

    Lots of different foods can be removed by us, even the colourful ones!

Areas We Serve Carpet Cleaning Services in Concord

Our carpet cleaning covers Sydney, including Concord and areas near there. For more information, fill your details in on the booking page.

  • Concord Rd
  • Burwood Rd
  • Gale St
  • Lancelot St
  • Evelyn Avenue
  • Queen St
  • Burton St
  • Lansdowne St
  • Salt St


This itself doesn't have a fixed answer as it depends on a few factors, such as, kids, pets, allergies and the usage of the carpet. We generally recommend to have your carpet cleaned at least 1-2 times a year. The more regular you have you carpet cleaned, the more they will last as the soil and dirt can harm you carpet.
Yes! Although we'd recommend to keep it away from heavy traffic for at least few hours until the carpet is completely dry. It's okay to walk on the carpet with clean shoes or slippers.
With the standard carpet steam cleaning process, approximately 95% of the moisture has been extracted. The carpet normally takes around 3-6 hours to dry, depending on the carpet material and the level of airflow in the house. You can walk on the carpet upon the completion of the service.
Running ventilation fans or a portable dehumifier can speed up the carpet drying process as they keep the air surrounding your carpet dry by eliminating the moisture. If you lack a dehumifier or air conditioning, keeping your doors and windows open or running stationary fans could help. "
Yes, please make sure all furnitures have been moved prior to the arrival of the team, especially if there's any carpet area underneath the heavy furniture you'd like us to clean. Otherwise, we should be able to move light furnitures, such as small coffee tables or chairs.
Yes, we'd highly recommend to have at least one person staying in the property when the service takes place. In case any questions or issues arise.

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