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5 Tips for Hiring Excellent House Cleaners



house cleaning sydney

You may have started looking for house cleaning services due to at least one of the following reasons:

  • I don’t want to clean myself
  • I don’t have the time and energy to clean
  • I’m too busy with work
  • I’m too occupied with looking after the kids

That often sets you out in the journey of looking for a new cleaner to take over the regular cleaning chores.

So, how do you find the right fit in such a vast marketplace?

These are some of the main factors that will likely be instrumental in your search but will eventually help you find the right cleaner who will be your long-term helper.

  1. Budget
  2. Schedule
  3. Cleaning service delivery
  4. Follow up
  5. Trust

1. Budget


Let’s talk about the budget. Money talks and this is often a crucial factor

In the Sydney marketplace or greater Australia, a $30-$40 per hour fee per cleaner has been the standard for quite a while.

If you have a fantastic cleaner working for you at that rate and you have an amazing working relationship going (congratulations!), please treat them very well!

The difference between a $30/hour cleaner vs $60/hr cleaner

often lies in the legal structure behind the business which enables you as a consumer to enjoy the cleaning service.

A cleaner/cleaning business which charges you $30- $40/hr

often operates under a cash only policy because without including tax (i.e personal income tax or goods and services tax) they can offer you a low rate. Let’s discuss another important factor to consider: whether they are fully insured or not.

A cleaner/cleaning business which charges you $55-$60/hr

most likely operates legally and records everything properly This is the going rate for a profitable and healthy business whilst covering all of the operating expenses.

The hourly rate they have to pay a full time or casual employee ranges from $21.71 to $27.14 based on the Government Award Rate before superannuation. After adding 10% superannuation, the hourly rate ranges from $23.88 to $29.85.

At this point, you are probably thinking the company still makes a huge profit by charging $55-$60/hr.

Let’s do some maths, shall we?

After paying their employees at $23.88 to $29.85, they still have the following operating expenses to cover so they can continuously service you while providing the highest level of service possible:

  • Petrol allowance
  • Cleaning products and chemicals
  • Public liability insurance
  • Workers compensation insurance
  • Accounting software
  • Scheduling software
  • Marketing / advertising
  • Administrative expenses

After deducting all of the expenses above, the business is probably left with 25% to 35% of a profit margin to continue to invest in expanding or improving the existing business, so you as a customer can enjoy having a high quality service continuously!

Government Award Rate: Pay Guide – Cleaning Services Award (Published 7 Nov 202)

Cleaner rates$30/hr$40 - $50/hr$55 - $70/hr
Legal structureSole trader/ Self-employedSelf employed / Have a small team of subcontractorsMostly companies / Have a team of employees or subcontractors
Payment methodMostly in cashMostly in cash, bank transferCash, bank transfer, credit cards
ABNMostly yes
Public liability insuranceTBCTBCTBC
Worker compensation insuranceTBCThe employer is not required to get an insurance policy if certain conditions are met. The employer is not required to get an insurance policy if certain conditions are met.

*TBC refers to ‘To be confirmed’, it can be a “yes” or a “no” depending on the business itself.

What is Public Liability Insurance coverage and why is it important?

As a customer, it’s probably in your best interest to know that if anything goes wrong (for example, someone got injured or something got damaged), the cleaning business you engaged is insured and has the capacity to pay for damages.

The Public Liability Insurance usually covers the following areas, however, it might vary depending on the insurance service provider.

  1. Personal injury (i.e, The customer tripped on cleaning equipment and got injured, so the insurance would cover the cost of it.)
  2. Property damage (i.e, The cleaner damaged an electrical appliance or tiles accidentally, so the insurance covers the compensation.)
  3. Advertising injury (i.e, This includes copyright infringement, stealing ideas, and more.)

What does Workers Compensation Insurance cover and why is it important?

In the case that your regular cleaner is injured at work, you might like to know that the business has a plan in place to care for their injured workers and cover the cost of their medical expenses. Any responsible business should have their employees’ backs.

The cost of supporting injured workers may include:

  1. Compensation benefits, medical and hospital expenses
  2. Rehabilitation services
  3. Lump sum payment for death or permanent impairment

2. Schedule

This will likely depend on your personal schedule, your property access requirements, and the level of trust you have built with your cleaner(s). Here are some things you may want to consider:

  1. Some people might prefer for cleaners to come during the weekend and this might be a deal breaker for them. For weekend cleaning services, be prepared for cleaning companies charging extra due to higher labour costs.
  2. If you live in a highly secured apartment building that requires you to open the door for your cleaner every single time, you might have to work with cleaners who can accommodate your availability.
  3. If you are more comfortable with letting the cleaner in your property whilst you are home, that would also mean you can only work with cleaners who can accommodate your availability.

Disinfecting-Surfaces cleaning

3. Cleaning Service Delivery

How good is the cleaning service? Does the cleaning service meet your personal expectations? Is the cleaning service consistent?

This is the core product you are purchasing from the business and the only way to evaluate the cleaning service is after the cleaning has been rendered.

In order to ensure you have the best cleaning experience every single time, here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Communication: After the first cleaning, if you are satisfied with the overall cleaning service but there are some areas that could be improved, speak with your cleaner directly. Everyone’s cleaning standards might vary, and if your cleaner is professional, they will be open to feedback.
  2. Internal Training: Do you know if the business provides internal training to their cleaners?
    If the business has a solid internal training program in place, the cleaning service is often consistent. Even if they have assigned different cleaners to attend to the cleaning, the outcome would be similar.

If the training does not offer a solid training program, you might notice that the cleaning service fluctuates. You might then prefer one cleaner over the other because of their individual styles.

As a paying customer, the last thing you want is inconsistent cleaning, it’s a waste of time, money and energy. So be sure to have clear communication and research the business you are planning to engage to ensure they have an excellent training program.

customer service

4. Follow Up

How’s the follow up going with your cleaner? Are they prompt with their communication responses?

  • Do they show up on time every single time?
  • Do they follow up with you after the cleaning?
  • Do they send reminders 1-2 days before your cleaning?
  • Do they give plenty of notice for any rescheduling?

If you engage with a regular cleaning service, it’s a long term partnership. With someone who is prompt with their service, you’ll be at ease without having to follow up with them personally or wondering when they are coming for the cleaning.


5. Trust

The last important factor is trust. How much do you trust your cleaner to let them into your personal living space regularly?

Cleaners are the background helpers who assist with organising your home and making sure your home is clean and orderly on a regular basis.

They have access to your personal belongings and premises so you want to make sure they can be trusted. This likely comes down to personal intuition and your personal connection with the cleaner. If in doubt, it’s best not to engage them.

We hope that you find these tips useful in hiring an excellent professional house cleaner and remember to keep these tips in mind while searching.
Be sure to contact us if we can help you with any of your cleaning needs.

We have professional cleaners who receive consistent training and are highly appraised in the marketplace. We can’t wait to offer you a cleaning service that you’ll be sure to remember. 😇